Ministry Focus
Therefore, since through God’s mercy we have this ministry, we do not loose heart. . . .we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as LORD, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. . . We have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power comes from God and not from us. 2 Corinthians 4:1-6
A Coaching Culture for Cross-cultural Ministry
A major part of our vision and mission at the Equipping Company is to provide tools and support for people in vocational ministry. We believe that regular coaching by phone/Skype/email can make the difference between keeping cross-cultural workers on the field and loosing them to the stresses and strains of ministry out of their home culture and comfort zone. It is our vision to see all missions sending agencies and churches provide regular, effective coaching as part of the support resources they offer their leaders and staff.Here’s what one missionary, deployed for over a decade in the former Soviet Union, says:
"Missionaries must overcome many challenges to be effective in their work. Often their confidence is shaken when they are uprooted from all that is familiar and secure as they work in a culture that is not their own. Even routine tasks can became a great source of stress. Because of these challenges, I believe, missionaries may be some of the best candidates for coaching. . . . My coaching experience has helped me identify my values and strengths, giving me clarity for my life's mission; this brings a sense of purpose and satisfaction that effects my family and ministry."
– Tammy, Assemblies of God missionary
The Equipping Company agrees that the coach-approach to supporting people is one of the strongest tools available for building leaders and working cross-culturally. Asking thought-provoking questions in an atmosphere of trust and safety allows people to grapple with their own issues and find God’s answers in interdependence with the Spirit of God. Asking, rather than telling, builds the confidence and muscle of leaders. The respect and Barnabus-quality inherent in the coach-approach gives leaders skills they will readily pass on to others on their teams and in their congregations and families.
Called to Support Pastors and Leaders
We at the Equipping Company believe God has called us to provide quality support and resources to those who multiply their contributions to the world by leading and ministering to others.
Pastors are often the only ones in their churches without someone to talk to in times of doubt, stress, discouragement, or when incubating new vision for their ministries. The Equipping Company wants to change that. Based on Dr. Iverson-Gilbert’s 1999 doctoral research (put link to article on-line here), pastors who have adequate breadth (eco-diversity) and depth (eco-density) of social support are more satisfied in their ministries, marriages, and lives and report less burn-out and other stress related symptoms.
At the Equipping Company, we believe that pastors and para-church ministry staff will produce more fruitful ministry results when they have a regular, confidential source of support in a ministry coach. We are committed to providing cost-effective coaching services and can connect people in ministry needing financial help to sources for scholarships for both spot coaching and on-going coaching support. Please don’t let financial need be the reason you don’t get the support you need to flourish in your ministry for Jesus Christ.
Coaching is one model for spiritual growth. Because coaching puts you at the heart of the helping relationship, it is perfectly suited to develop your life with God. Because coaching treats you as the expert on your life and needs, it is the ideal skill to acquire and use in developing the people under your care. Leaders coach those they lead. Leaders use coaches to bring out all the richness God has created in them.
Scholarships for Ministry Leaders
We recognize that the sacrifices made by those in vocational Christian ministry often include living with reduced financial resources. ECo works to partner those needing partial scholarships for coaching or other support services with people who believe in what ECo can offer ministry professionals and have the gift of giving.
Download our Scholarship Application here.
Contribute to our Scholarship Fund here.